They support the main topic and make the paragraph more interesting - Paragraphs in the body of an essay are made up of a variety of supporting details to prove the main idea. Pourquoi? Are the main idea, theme, gist, and thesis statement all the same thing? c. The volunteers went to the houses of th, Identify each passage, if any, that contains a fused sentence. Keep the same format of the volume and issue as it is on the journal articl. Paid maternity leave. It has never erupted. Circuit Court of Appeals. These details are the facts, statements, examples-specifics which guide us to a full understanding the main idea. Which of the following sentences contains the strongest and most effective wording? Hansi Lo Wang (he/him) is a national correspondent for NPR reporting on the people, power and money behind the U.S. census. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. the age of rocks along the surface of Earth 3:C Gorsuch's paragraph of a concurring opinion, which was joined by Justice Clarence Thomas, planted the seeds for an unusual argument that has emerged in an Arkansas redistricting case that private individuals are not allowed to bring Section 2 lawsuits. This is an example of spatial organization. Which one of the following words or phrases may be a clue that a sentence is inferring cause and effect? What is the object in the sentence "she stated the thesis of her paper.". (2) The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion. Focuses on the central idea of the text and only the details that support it. There is no single topic sentence. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Practice Direction affects. (4) Volcanoes are a result of magma rising up or erupting through a plate, particularly where plate boundaries are moving against each other. Discuss with your group the exact events of the afternoon of May 19, 1993. These social skills allow people to interact with others, especially with authority figures, more successfully. b. Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for Paragraphs add one idea at a time to your broader argument. Is it at the top or in the body of the passage? Select the two correct answers. : ZAG000178419 Issuer code: SBN03 ISIN no. A) The PLA (Psychological Language Association) is the preferred style manual for research papers. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. The Federal Medication Act C. The Pure Food and Drug Act D. The Dawes Act. The ruling was for a lawsuit about Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. = 45/20 The deer was not able to pick up the scent of the author. What are some examples of a thesis statement? They were for economic competition. When revising a narrative essay, what should the writer include? How much is a steak that is 3 pounds at $3.85 per pound. Rewrite each sentence, replacing the underlined words with vivid verbs. User: She worked really hard on the project. Which statement best describes the main idea of the paragraph? copyright 2003-2023 derive a conclusion from facts - When you read a paragraph that contains no topic sentence, you must infer what the topic is. Which one of the following statements contains an example of an explanation? All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. -is accurate about this paragraph: (1) Earth's crust is made up of relatively rigid plates that ride atop Earth's hot, semiliquid mantle. How were the Himalayas formed? 7, d, 1, e and b - no, no What are the two parts of the concluding paragraph of an academic paper? . Which of the following conclusion can the reader make from the passage? c. I enjoy surfing, sailing, and fishing. China's reforms have resulted in rapid economic growth, however, the gradual and experimental approach to. Which one of the following statements is true regarding paragraphs? The topic of a paragraph is always placed in the first sentence. Choose as many as you like: 1. (2) The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion. = 2 5/20 But Rudofsky decided the lawsuit had to be thrown out because of who brought the case. What is a position statement in a persuasive essay? A) speech that refers to an event B) A photograph taken at an event C) A textbook description of an event D) A newspaper article about an event. (5) Also, when plates slide against each other, causing friction along adjacent plate boundaries, earthquakes frequently occur. In this sentence, which word serves as a clue that there is cause and effect? They must offer extensive counterpoints to the argument. Goods with soy protein in them can help lower the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. . Click here to get an answer to your question Based on the sentences in this paragraph, which statement is accurate?A biography usually includes the main e amich1008 amich1008 24.09.2020 The tragedy of the commons emphasizes the value of keeping in mind the greater good and figuring out how to manage shared resources responsibly and sustainably. He had heard his mother and his aunts speaking quietly around the cooking fire. B) A conclusion can provide supporting ideas not included elsewhere in the essay. Read the quotation. c. Each ball of dough must be pressed down with a, Identify which excerpts contain errors concerning the grammatical coordination of elements in the sentence, specifically faulty parallelism or agreement problems. Is the opening paragraph an introduction paragraph or the first body paragraph? In truth, Bankman-Fried, Wang, and Singh, with Ellison's . The greenhouse effect is changing Earth's atmosphere. Weegy: 15 ? Which of the following sentences is arranged in chronological order? Which best summarizes the plot of this passage? (2) The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion. C. There are no supporting details for the main idea. Which of the following would be a clue word indicating a contrast? A paragraph should have one main topic. = 15 * 3/20 When Julius Caesar landed in Britain over two thousand years ago, English did not exist. Maintain accurate, complete and timely records of student performance for tests, written assignments, clinical progress and other . Which of the following is true of the conclusion? Quoting and Paraphrasing. transverse boundary While alone on the mountain, he would chant his prayer to the four directions and listen for an inner voice. Get notified about new Bookkeeper jobs in Reno, NV . This is the "controlling idea," or the thesis statement from which you compose the remainder of the paragraph . User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. [ On the other hand, in some societies, romantic love is considered a form of obsession or madness.". Frost's article and restated it in his own. (9) As fall leaves begin to turn, however, these great travelers gather for the trip back south. 6, b Q. (feel). It summarizes the main idea of the paragraph. 2. The author uses comparison and contrast to organize ideas. But, ere long, I felt myself getting pale and wished them gone. (5) Also, when plates slide against each other, causing friction along adjacent plate boundaries, earthquakes frequently occur. Pam Karlan a professor at Stanford University Law School who, before stepping down last year, helped lead the department's Civil Rights Division as the principal deputy assistant attorney general appointed by President Biden says beyond limited resources, there's also the challenge of the "sheer volume of jurisdictions in the United States that might face a Section 2 case.". In a topic paragraph, a hook is a sentence that does what? "The limited federal resources available for Voting Rights Act enforcement reinforce the need for a private cause of action," the DOJ's statement said. examples of good personal statements for civil service jobs. What is the format of an argumentative essay? First, Ichabod sets off homewards at night; then he comes across the tulip-tree that the local people respect and fear; then the sound of the tree's boughs frighten Ichabod. And the "thing" Gorsuch wanted to flag was a question he said no one in the case had raised before the court: Who has the right to sue to try to enforce that key section of the landmark law? Newborn babies cannot see much in the first few weeks. There is no single topic sentence. Explain with the help of examples. Appendix. d. Nearly all text in Western cultures is aligned at the right., Which . At the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, he broke the world long jump record by almost two feet when he became the first man ever to jump more than 29 feet. D. There is no single topic sentence. I don't know the rest. Which is a true statement concerning writing a research paper? I need an opening statement that declares the amendment in congressional form and is a paragraph. What theory is supported by this discovery? Trading Statement CAXTON AND CTP PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1947/022616/06) Share code CAT ISIN ZAE000043345 ("the Company") TRADING STATEMENT In terms of paragraph 3.4(b) of the Listings Requirements of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, companies are required to publish a trading statement as soon as they are . He might even be able to tell his people of things that lie in the future. 3. "If you're relying on that political institution to protect your right to vote, you may have years that go by when that right is not enforced in the courts, even though Congress created that right," Spencer says. In expository writing, what is the difference between a topic and the focus of the topic? First sentence in each paragraph. What is the subject and predicate in the following sentences: a. Which of the following is the best way to summarize paragraph 3? answer choices. b. Expert Answer. = 15 ? secondly dont bark if your here just for answers u swear its just for "help" you sussy bakas know what u are doing on this site how else u completing your work? 1.1 This Practice Direction is made under rule 57A.3. Sharenet endeavours to ensure that consensus estimates data is accurate and up to date, but it is not under an obligation to update the consensus data, revise or supplement the consensus figures to reflect circumstances existing after the date hereof. indicating how his research extends the theoretical work of Gary Klein. Identify the type of plate boundary that created the volcanoes of Iceland. due to an increase in volcanic activity 6 2/3 It can be an alternative for women who cannot digest dairy. A topic sentence can express an opinion. (3) They can move because Earth's mantle is a very hot and semiliquid fluid called magma. The topic sentence is the found in the last line. a. Include in your letter to the applicant a translation of the following paragraph: "Along with your appointment notice you were also sent a request for proof of the last 30 days' income, a bank statement, and proof of a rent obligation. A _______ is a group of sentences that relate to a central or main topic. (7) Plates may also collide. 20/3 Which of these statements best summarizes paragraph 3? In American society, romantic love is considered the main reason for people to marry. a Most earthquakes are not strong enough to be felt by humans. b. You can still test out the new AI-powered search engine now, though. What were the results of the Compromise of 1877? The verifications are required in order to determine a client's eligibility. Explain both the meaning of the quotation and the author's viewpoint. Gorsuch's paragraph of a concurring opinion, which was joined by Justice Clarence Thomas, planted the seeds for an unusual argument that has emerged in an Arkansas redistricting case that private individuals are not allowed to bring Section 2 lawsuits. = 45/20 A year spent not by the ocean, but by the lake, is a perfect year. 2, a - no It concerns witness statements for use at trials in the Business and Property Courts and applies to new and existing proceedings, but only to trial witness statements signed on or after 6 April 2021. **Compaero(a):** David ve pjaros de su ventana por la maana. Which one of the following statements about a topic sentence and a main idea is accurate? and is provided to the county is accurate. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. 7. The p-value is the probability that the alternative hypothesis is true, C. A statistically significant result is evidence that the null hypothesis is false. The Grand Canyon is a place of pilgrimage for travelers and attracts people from all walks of life. It is common to place the topic at the beginning of the paragraph, and the subsequent sentences can then support the topic, but it is not a requirement; the topic sentence can appear in the middle or the end of the paragraph. What is the difference between a thesis statement and a topic sentence? Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for (2) The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion. The closing paragraph/s should contain a summary of the whole piece of writing and your final opinion regarding the thesis. as described in paragraph (a) of this subsection within the 90 days, the district may decide not to protect the owners' lands and, if the district provides services at the lands, may bill . Which of these statements is the best summary of this passage? User: A paragraph is defined as group of sentences that center on a. Weegy: A paragraph is defined as group of sentences that center on a central idea. Completeness. statements were false and misleading. a. -The monster begs Dr. Frankenstein the right to be given a fellow creature sympathetic toward him. A. You have ONE MIN Multiple Choice Each paragraph must contribute to your overall purpose. (1) Earth's crust is made up of relatively rigid plates that ride atop Earth's hot, semiliquid mantle. He started India's first helicopter company and used that money for India's first low-cost airline. QUESTION 8. A topic sentence is the central idea of a paragraph, while a main idea is the central idea of the entire text. Frost's article and repeated several quotes from it. Copyright 2023 NPR. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. 3. Therefore, the topic sentence should be at the beginning in order to develop the idea and present evidence supporting your claim. The word "exercise" indicates the cause. A. In the references page, the volume number should be italicized. Q. There are two sides to the issue of whale hunting, each of which holds strong opinions as to why their viewpoint is correct and the opposing viewpoint is not. A. What should each paragraph of a reflective essay always include? Next - Authors in their texts usually use text structures to organize their writings. It should be as detailed as possible. To infer, or to make an inference, means to derive a conclusion from facts. Quelle region francophone est-ce que tu trouves la plus interessante? b. (6) In the early spring, they're found in great clusters in southern Mexico. Before Congress amended the Voting Rights Act with bipartisan support and then-President Ronald Reagan's sign-off in 1982, committees on Capitol Hill issued reports that spelled out lawmakers' intentions. He also knew that it would be hard. 2006/306 Registered in Namibia ("SBN Holdings Limited") Issuer code: SBN02 ISIN no. She also works as an actress, fashion model, and motivational speaker. Maria built the top of the picnic table first, then attached the legs, then painted it - One way to organize your writing is through chronological order, which arranges sentences or ideas in the order in which they occurredfor example, what happened first, second, and third. 30 seconds. So, when his grandfather came to him, Bear Who Stands listened respectfully. Weegy: They are always focused on a main idea. due to a sudden shift along a transform boundary In his far-off home Beowulf, $\underline{\text{Higlac's}}$ The plate tectonics theory states that the. A topic sentence is a specific detail about the subject of a paragraph. topic sentence - The statement within a paragraph that provides that central idea is called a topic sentence. . b.) 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Q. Bear Who Stands was ready to learn of his place in the world - The paragraph is about Bear Who Stands being prepared for the vision quest and feeling ready. The result of Jefferson's embargo was American merchants were bankrupted, sailors were put out of work, and farmers were unable to sell their crops. His record stood for 23 years and earned him a spot in the US Olympic Hall of Fame. Now they have given over a thousand paintings to the National Gallery of Art. Can the main point of an essay be the same as the topic sentence? After Simon Bolivar refused him troops, he retired to a life of exile in Europe. a. a transverse boundary on land : ZAG000178427 TRADING STATEMENT IN RESPECT OF THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 In accordance with paragraph 6.3(a) of the JSE Debt . A) bright colors appear to capture the attention of the children B) the article examined the history of the women's movement C) the lead engineer found out the cause of a lot, Which of the following is a primary source of information? Milline Chir. The author uses comparison and contrast to organize ideas. c. Their sum, Which of the following statements about the passage below is true? (3) They can move because Earth's mantle is a very hot and semiliquid fluid called magma. Gorsuch's paragraph of a concurring opinion, which was joined by Justice Clarence Thomas, planted the seeds for an unusual argument that has emerged in an Arkansas redistricting case that . (FY 22) and provides this trading statement in accordance with paragraph 3.4(b)(i) of the . It'd be really hard to challenge a lot of what they might do. Ecris un paragraphe dans lequel tu decris cette region en detail. written about private individuals suing for violations of federal election laws, The Post-Trump Rightward Lurch in Election Law. Which of the following statements is least accurate? b) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. c) Nevertheless, there are. C. Oscar studied Dr. a. The lights crossed the sky overhead, and Ms. Markesan saw that they belonged to a spinning, disc-. Topic sentences clearly state one idea the paragraph will present. Previewing is a method used to pick up clues about written material. The candidate had never been a politician before. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. Are the comma and period in the correct places? "It is odd," said Henchard, "that two men should meet as we have done on a purely business ground, and that at the end of the first day I should wish to speak to 'ee on a family matter.". 6 2/3 Answer 1: Sufficient consideration can be anything with market value. That's why next is the correct answer choice. = 2 5/20 Which of these statements summarizes this paragraph? Which statement about this paragraph is accurate? 20/3 b. By loving, caring, and patient nurturing, Anna helped Dixie heal. Which is the best way to summarize this passage? Place the events from the passage in the correct order. Which one of the following statements is an example of an opinion? Which of the following is the best summary of paragraph 2? He attacked the city of Chacabuco in Chile before marching on the seat of Spanish power in Peru. Capitalize the first letter of each important word in the title (ex: Title of Book). a. Organizing sentences around a central idea creates a/an ________. The canvassed voters recognized that the candidate was unqualified. B. Janette listened to the speaker and took notes. He felt ready to learn of his gifts from the Great Spirit, for that is the purpose of a vision quest. This is one place where a person can at once be part of a crowd or be alone. 1 answer; Social Sciences; asked by Francis; 349 views = 15 * 3/20 Which statement about earthquakes is accurate? Which one of the following statements is true regarding paragraphs? Each sentence after the topic sentence. 6 2/3 a. We also studied Karl Marx, who favored a system in which . For decades, private individuals and groups, who did not represent the federal government, have filed the majority of Section 2 lawsuits that have stopped state and local governments from minimizing the political power of people of color through the redrawing of voting maps and other steps in the elections process. = 15 ? 6, b Choose all that apply. emdjay23. I am writing a paper about a new amendment proposal to the Bill of Rights proclaiming that people should be able to marry who they want (same sex or not). Is a summary sentence of the text that covers the key details. "I think it's an open question only in the sense that no court has ever felt compelled to expressly say that people whose voting rights have been violated can sue under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act because everyone and I do mean everyone understood that that's what Congress meant," says Dan Tokaji, dean of the University of Wisconsin Law School, who has written about private individuals suing for violations of federal election laws. a.) Second sentence in each paragraph. c About 100 earthquakes per year are strong enough to cause damage. Full-Time. c About 100 earthquakes per year are strong enough to cause damage. In this text structure the transitional words we find are: first, next, then, finally, before, by the time, soon, meanwhile. How is the introduction of a literary analysis written? Since the desert air was dry, the bread quickly turned stale. But a more accurate appellation would be literalism if it doesn't literally say in the law that private individuals can sue when their voting rights have been violated, then they can't," Tokaji says. = 45/20 c The processes happening today are the same processes that have occurred in the past. Bias is a negative opinion. It has not erupted recently. A paragraph should have one main topic. Last sentence in each paragraph. This paragraph gets your reader's attention, develops the basic ideas of what you will cover, and provides the thesis statement for the essay. soil erosion air pollution water pollution earthquakes please tell me the right answer! Bob Beamon was raised by his grandmother and became a leading high school and college long jumper. d. A paragraph with two main topics is called a complex paragraph. The roots of the next potential U.S. Supreme Court showdown that could . Greater - To contrast things is to show how they're different. And the case may soon find its way before the country's highest court. It is an editor's brief statement of the essential features of the . An essay that uses the words first, next, and finally indicates what type of organization? "From what the Court has seen thus far, there is a strong merits case that at least some of the challenged districts in the Board Plan are unlawful" under Section 2, Rudofsky's ruling said. Coherence. What is the purpose of a conclusion paragraph? Accurate use of . (3) They can move because Earth's mantle is a very hot and semiliquid fluid called magma. What is required to write an effective thesis statement? (8) When that happens, mountain ranges are formed. Which is true about the reference listing for a book? Aimee Mullins, whose legs were amputated below the knee at an early age, is an accomplished athlete who has competed against both disabled and non-disabled athletes and set several records at the 1996 Paralympic Games. You can ask a new question or browse more science questions. "It keeps me up at night," says Doug Spencer, an associate professor of law at the University of Colorado, who tracks voting rights lawsuits and is concerned about the argument not to allow private individuals to sue under Section 2. Which one of the following sentences best explains the term bias? An earthquake of magnitude 3 on the scale is 1.5 times more intense than a magnitude 2 C. Great earthquakes can have a, A. air pollution *B. deforestation* C. earthquakes D. coastal flooding E. typhoons I don't know the other answer please help. You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis, early in the writing process. What to put in the conclusion of an argumentative essay? . In the conclusion - The fact is that you should not introduce brand new information in the conclusion. Which of these statements best summarizes this paragraph? Weegy: To grab the attention of the reader is the purpose of the introduction in an essay. Soy products have many health benefits for women. describing a behavioral paradox that had previously defied explanation. Definitions. It helps relieve problems related to nausea, digestion, circulation, and arthritis. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Q. dolphin restaurant parking which statement about this paragraph is accurate2021 suwannee hulaween2021 suwannee hulaween -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. Write a paragraph in about 75 wore the visual aid given below: Write a paragraph on 'Save Trees' in 60 words. Which is the best summary of this paragraph? Which is the best summary of paragraph 4? d) It. For example, in many cultures it's believed that marriage is basically an economic arrangement. 1) Earth's crust is made up of relatively rigid plates that ride atop Earth's hot, semiliquid mantle. What is a thesis statement in an argumentative essay? B) You do not have to make your quotes fit grammatically with the rest of your paper when usi. What part of poetry can be compared to paragraphs? Answer: The concluding paragraph needs to have more coherence then the other paragraphs do. The information is given in the order you might see it if you were there. Which of the following sentence from the passage states an opinion? Which of the following statements is the best summary of this passage? After ruling that only the U.S. attorney general, who heads the Justice Department, could bring the Arkansas case, Rudofsky gave the federal government five days to pick up the lawsuit before the judge formally threw out the case. The sentences are numbered to help you answer the question. How many paragraphs are in a argumentative essay? (4) Volcanoes are a result of magma rising up or erupting through a plate, particularly where plate boundaries are moving against each other. the average speed of tectonic plates on Earth When they were boys, they were allowed to tour the USS $\underline{\text{Enterprise}}$ while it was docked near Boston. The roots of the next potential U.S. Supreme Court showdown that could further . Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. User: She worked really hard on the project. was not accurate, and that Alameda was misappropriating customer funds at Bankman-Fried's direction. Which of these statements would best summarize the first paragraph? How to write and what to include in a body paragraph? . Which statement is the main idea in the following passage? **** b. because they cause volcanoes and earthquakes c. because they cause earthquakes d. because one plate subducts under another causing it to melt. 2. Which word indicates the cause? b. If not, what is the difference? Is a topic sentence only incorporated in the main body paragraph of an essay, or should it also be incorporated in the introduction along with the hook? = 2 1/4. (5) Also, when plates slide against each other, causing friction along adjacent plate . User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? This question is based on the following paragraph. Roots of the essential features of the introduction in an argumentative essay created the of... U.S. census the introduction in an argumentative essay an example of an opinion, what is a very and! Came to him, Bear who Stands listened respectfully test out the new AI-powered search engine now,.. Namibia ( & quot ; ) Issuer code: SBN02 ISIN no new information in essay... Written about private individuals suing for violations of Federal election laws, the Post-Trump Rightward Lurch in Law... Live-Streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, mountain ranges are formed china 's have. 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