It was around October of 2008, just weeks after the two better-known sightings near Winder. many similarities exist with these flying creatures that are seen by eyewitnesses across many areas of the planet. as it got close to the other one they both went east., From a California Newspaper Article in 1891. Some of the other eyewitnesses were watching the stars at night or just enjoying a beautiful outdoor scene. As of early May, 2022, this channel had about 230 videos about modern living pterosaurs, a.k.a. Modern Pterodactyl Sightings Although there seems to be no hard evidence that pterosaurs did not die out millions of years ago - no pterosaurs have ever been captured and no bodies have ever been found - sightings have persisted. flying dinosaurs, in North Carolina, including Raleigh, Durham, Conover, Wilmington, Guilford County, Kernersville, and Charlottethese are not rumors but taken from emails to the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over a period of years. cryptids of the Vatican. This story was even featured in the Australian People Magazine and theorizes that pterodactyls inhabit the still-mysterious Amazon Rainforest. The Western dogma of universal pterosaur extinction is on its way out, soon to become extinct itself. What Happened at Lake Elizabeth, California? . It was in upstate New York and no one believes me. [Comment made, around February of 2017, on an online post: Dinosaur Sightings: Are Dinosaurs Still Alive Today in Africa?], Other Pterodactyl Encounters While Driving. . The person may not be aware of his or her own assumptions about me and my writings and my small online video productions, probably having only very limited experience with them. Video appears to show a bird-like creature with a very large wingspan . Live Pterodactyls in Youtube Videos The popular, textbook declaration that all species became extinct millions, of years ago, universal pterosaur extinctionthat concept, itself is approaching extinction. Jonathan Whitcomb. . . I just want to report a sighting of a pterodactyl-looking animal. Not one of those sightings was very far from a storm channel or stream bed. from the west came this dark object in the sky. We were chatting when we saw this bird? . Despite their appearance, they were not related to birds and were highly successful flyers that might have dined on fish and insects. Lets now pause to take all this in context. . . . Several more have been reported from Texas and here is an interview with Scott Norman about his Pterodactyl sighting in California State. . True to the spirit of the West, they shot the creature. Flying northeast at about 4:00 p.m. I call my young channel PAL and here list its seventeen public videos [as of July 31, 2019; there are now more] that are mainly about living pterosaurs . . . Now we have an eyewitness in northern Alabama who saw two of the flying creatures chasing a bat at around 5:30 a.m., in the spring of 2020. (*The encounters themselves may be older.). Published in October of 2014, Searching for Ropens and Finding God will take you around the world, with those who have risked life, health, and reputation, as they have looked for living pterosaurs. Enjoy this lively music video as you learn about the shocking flying creatures men and women have encountered in California. . Reportedly, some people from the middle of the 20th century saw the first, original photograph; long before digital Photoshop/image processing was generally available. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *NEWS: On February 2, 2022, the cryptozoology author and producer Jonathan Whitcomb recommended the following videos and said, \"Please watch at least two of them\".Pterosaur Sightings in 2020 Tries Attacking Desert Flying Creature in Los Angeles? The pterosaur was in perfect silhouette, wings outstretched, distinctive head in full view, pad on the tail. Ive communicated with only a few paleontologists over the past eleven years of my investigation. . The first two sightings in the Winder, Georgia, area have been covered in various blogs. My sighting took place last night, 12/19/2016. Ive spent well over 10,000 hours on my own investigation, probably more time than any other person now living. A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed eyewitness accounts of apparent non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called "pterodactyls" or "flying dinosaurs," and found that several states in the USA stand out, including Utah. She was following a friend who was driving in a car ahead (the second woman did not notice anything, for the apparent pterosaur had flown behind that second car). . Around 4 p.m. I was fishing for crappie April, 2020, at Lake Isabella an hour above Bakersfield Calif. The pterosaur is very real . Los Angeles River near the Colorado Street Bridge, east of Griffith Park, Pterosaur Sightings East of Griffith Park, May 13, 2013, Sighting of a Pterosaur Biblical and scientific perspectives on extant pterosaurs. . . The pterodactyl was as long as a bus, as it flew up into the mountains above Altadena. The April 25, 1890, edition of the Tombstone Epitaph ran a story of two Arizona ranchers who claimed to have chased on horseback a flying monster "resembling a huge alligator with an extremely elongated tail and an immense pair of wings." Take that in context: Over the past thirteen years, Ive looked at hundreds of eyewitness sighting reports of possible living pterosaurs. . . Its almost always while one or more eyewitnesses are outside. Here is the URL:\u0026t=2sThe two sketches of modern pterosaurs were drawn by Patty Carson and Eskin Kuhn, both of whom gave full permission for Jonathan Whitcomb to publish and distribute those sketches.The video clips of aerial shots are used by a paid license from the company that has the rights to sell such licenses.The two music pieces are used by paid licenses from the companies that has the rights to sell such licenses. Trust one eyewitness of a plane crash over the imaginations of a hundred professors whove agreed how that kind of plane should fly. Nothing compares with this book about encounters with modern non-extinct pterodactyls.. . I realized this was no ordinary bird but appeared more like a featherless reptile. It was gliding across the telescopes field of view, which was at low magnification for finding the Andromeda Nebula. Two of the more common words used to describe flying creatures that look like pterosaurs are dragon and pterodactyl, at least in the United States. he saw something like a Pteranodon, with bat-like wings but a wingspan of about 8-10 feet and a head that he estimated was four feet long.. News releases on pterodactyls The photograph in question shows a group of civil war soldiers posing before camera around what appears like an enormous bird carcass (said to be pterodactyl) they apparently killed (or found). I did see its head crest and the. . My dog Ember was with me. . Not a reissue or rerelease . Apparent relationship to a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur, By the living-pterosaur investigator Jonathan Whitcomb. pterodactyls. . Available on Amazon and from some other online retailers, At 154 pages, it is filled with detailed eyewitness testimonies of living pterosaurs in the United States of America, Highly rated, by readers, in its first and second editions, Published by Createspace (associated with and supported by Amazon), "Am I Crazy" on Youtube | | Live Pterosaur, Overview of the Evolution Boundary Experiment. The natives, who were occasionally tormented by these creatures, described them as being featherless with smooth skin, having a beak full of teeth and a wingspan of between four and seven feet. This was not one of those [larger birds that may live around the area]. It begins with late-20th century ropen expeditions in Papua New Guinea and then shows the two expeditions of the year 2004, led by the American explorers Jonathan Whitcomb, David Woetzel, and Garth Guessman. a dragon or flying dinosaur. In both cases, the "dragon" (or "pterodactyl") was near a storm channel. . Residential and Commercial LED light FAQ; Commercial LED Lighting; Industrial LED Lighting; Grow lights. The video is titled A confession about a pterodactyl and gives my account of an ironic twist in my life: from a severe skeptic to a firm believer in modern pterosaurs. (Por Jonathan Whitcomb, un experto en pterosaurios vivos), Pterosaur sighting while driving in Raleigh, North Carolina. . . . I was driving a car alone, on my way to pick up my sister. I slowed down and asI was looking the birds suddenly BURST from one of the trees! Although there seems to be no hard evidence that pterosaurs did not die out millions of years ago - no pterosaurs have ever been captured and no bodies have ever been found - sightings have persisted. The extinct species pterosaurs lived during the late Cretaceous geological period of North America. In the summer of 1891, southeast of Fresno, several eyewitnesses reported two featherless flying creatures with wingspans of fifteen feet . I drew level to the place they crossed . Americans led two expeditions on Umboi Island in 2004. I did not see a tail from my angle but the creature was huge definitely no feathers with a bat like wings. . A great number of the encounters with pterodactyls have been in these states: Alguna vez viste un pterosaurio? The following are just a few of the hundreds of Youtube videos, on the channel Protect Animal Life, about modern living pterosaurs: Why do people around the world report seeing a long-tailed pterodactyl? Location of sighting: Lansing, Illinois. It glided through the air with its wings in an arched position. The story is not taken seriously by many researchers today, but it corresponds loosely with a story about a Thunderbird that was allegedly shot in the same area in 1886 and dragged into town to be photographed. . For Americans, that can mean driving. 9. FRESNO, July 31. In case of both the photographs, some people suggested the creature could be a Thunderbird - mentioning some such sightings. Home; Products. If pterosaurs really died out with the dinosaurs and their fossil remains were not first discovered until 1784, then a depiction of one could not possibly exist in an ancient rock carving. I would think of myself as someone who knows a little something of the animal kingdom. How many of those potentially hundreds of persons would have trusted my sister enough to tell her about seeing a live pterodactyl? Definitely a lot less than a thousand. In the late 1980s, noted cryptozoologist Roy Mackal led an expedition into Namibia from which he had heard reports of a prehistoric-looking creature with a wingspan of up to 30 feet. . Original Civil War Pterosaur Photograph. The eyewitness was shocked to see that the creature had both a head crest (common in Pterodactyloids) and a long tail with a diamond tip (common in Rhamphorhynchoids). Many Youtubers make similar recordings of themselves, although not usually while theyre sitting on a couch. I also assumed that the few reports that I had readapparent pterosaurs in some of the 48 Stateswere of a few stragglers from Central America. I see the man looking out of his window which made me look up. . . Message: " I was 17 in 1968 when I was going to my neighbor's house in late spring or early summer. . By the reckoning of one source, the area around Baker City is something of a focal point for UFO sightings. Eyewitnesses see modern pterosaurs around the world, actually, but this is mostly about two ropen sightings in western Minnesota in the summer of 2018, by a young man (Jonathan Archer) . We stared at the creature in disbelief because it was so strange . The two identified a pair of what looked to be giant birds, with bony structures and wingspans stretching 15 to 20 feet, a look reminiscent to one teacher of a pteranodon, an extinct type of flying. . 1959), British cryptozoologist and founder of the Centre for Fortean Zoology [39] Rick Dyer, American businessman and Bigfoot hoaxer [12] [40] John H. Duffy (b. In a moment there was a heavy flapping of wings and the two monsters rose slowly from the water and flew so near the men that the wind from their wings was plainly felt. The following is overly simplistic, I know, but consider this: With about 300 million persons in the United States, if my sisters experience is typical then more than 300,000 persons in the USA, at least once in each of their lives, must have had a good sighting of a living pterosaur. [The many credible reports of apparent pterosaurs are not misidentified birds but actual pterosaurs, in at least the great majority of cases. . . While traveling through Zambia in 1923, Frank H. Melland collected reports from natives of an aggressive flying reptile they called kongamoto, which means "overwhelmer of boats." In general, a fossil expert will fight against the possibility of a modern pterosaur until an eventual admission emerges: [admitting] there is a small chance that a species may have survived into the present. Stories of flying reptiles have been recorded for many hundreds of years. . It was featherless; its head had a crest that slanted backwards and a very elongated head, very creepy. Pterosaurs in Griffith Park and Other Areas in So. We now consider the third sighting (perhaps not yet covered anywhere else). As of mid-2022, this channel (Protect Animal Life) has well over 200 active videos on these amazing featherless flying creatures, and the following are just a sampling three videos: Pterodactyl Sightings flying creatures around the world. . . With a wingspan larger than a Conder (12-15 ft) fly in and perch on the tree I was casting my fishing line towards. . Where does that lead? . In other words, 37,500 Americans have told somebody something to the effect that they saw a flying creature that appeared more like a pterosaur than a bird or a bat, and 112,500 have not told anyone about seeing something that gave them the impression that it was a pterosaur. Their wings were long, angular and pointed and their tails had triangular points. 8. When I returned from Papua New Guinea, in 2004, I knew almost nothing about reports of apparent pterosaurs, or dragons, in California. Flying Dinosaur book for a ten-year-old reader. NOT SO! Even more shocking was the ropen sighting near the University of California at Irvine, in 2007, for that modern pterosaur was gigantic: 30 feet long. . . . This staged photograph of Pteranodon discredited the original one. The refer the apparent Pteranodon to modern pterosaur and the photograph as Ptp. Anyway, Im driving behind a man who is driving a mini-van . On the drawing of the winged creature if you will notice there is some yellow color addedthis also represents the area of the creature that looked to me like the most illuminated aspects/parts of the thing combined with the afore mentioned grayish/brown coloring., Other Night Sightings of Possible Pterosaurs in Western USA. The report that two strange dragons with wings have recently appeared in the swamps east of Selma was at first regarded by many as a sen- sational story without foundation in fact, but after different persons at different places had claimed to have seen the strange creatures it began to be thought worth investigating. Hodgkinson was interviewed by the cryptozoologist Garth Guessman, while being videotaped, in Montana in 2005. He described the dark gray or black animal as 30 feet long, with 15-16 feet of that being a tail. Those two encounters, however, were in different years and with different eyewitnesses. Observed in full daylight The moon had already gone behind the trees, by the middle of that night a week ago Monday, so Mr. There was traffic and we were all going about 30 mph. The landscape photograph on the cover shows the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine, California, near where a pterosaur (ropen) was reported flying in 2007 Patty Carson saw the strange flying creature at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba around 1965 and sketched it more recently. This required using a low-magnification eyepiece, fortunately, to locate that galaxy, allowing the amateur astronomer to see the flying creature sweep through the field of view. We each draw our own conclusions about these amazing flying creatures, yet we agree on many things. . San Diego (two men saw two gigantic flying creatures) Altadena (sighting of a giant "pterodactyl" in about 1968) Anaheim (a huge flying creature) Fairfield (giant apparent pterosaur) Central California (sighting by the cryptozoologist Scott Norman) Here's the video "Giant Pterodactyl in California": Educational music video on Youtube . . 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