I am originally a spirit of the land. I wanted toto thank youfor saving me that day. That was why I rescued you that winter. Set months after the event's of P.A.The nations have decided to step forward about their existance and now along with their assistants deal with the fall out as past deeds and wrong doings are revealed. "He's barely old enough to have a history, yet he's forgetting it. "What bastard did this to you?". She didnt understand a lot of things she felt, but this was as big of a mystery to her as anything else was. "Are you saying I can't make even simple appetizers, youyou blond male harlot!" China and Russia were fighting over something mundane. The woman, though dressed similarly to the man, didnt seem phased at all by the effort. "Ahy-yeah," Canada chuckled nervously. When he walked into his house, he saw that the window was left open, and Natsu had sneaked inside. America's eyes were barely open and his lips were covered with blood. "Maybe he was always there, and you just never wanted to admit it was him. After all," he grinned broadly, "I'm the hero! This is a version of the world where Nations exist, and thus, they influence it. He took a long puff and exhaled the silvery smoke. "He visits on my birthday every year. There's gotta be family or some friends to care for you. "What the?" Well, now you have it! I really like purple. Things don't go well. She didnt, The man took the words as the dismissal they were and quickly left, leaving the lady standing in the middle of the field. Happy 4th of July, everyone! attack on titan Within one certain nation, a group of individual states make up this powerful country. Maybe he was finally going insane like Russia (or that sister of his) or maybe it was his consciousness. I owe that much to the old man. A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity by ArchangelUnmeiAmerica, Canada, France and England |G/K| Hinted FrukOne supermarket, two small blond children wandering on their own, two frantic fathers. Mostly crack, Light hearted fluffy stuff about nations revealed. . And this was, The crew of the Phoenix crew was a bit surprised by the Nautilus. And Alfred Jones, the personification of America, never thought he would have reached his. I had over a hundred years of seeing what destruction the European nations could wrought. "Sky Eyeswhy do you keep calling me that? It was distant and faint, carried on the slight wind stilling weaving through the field, but still close enough for her to hear. Native America leaned back and wiped the tears from the young country's peachy soft face. There had been several other attempts before that, but Jamestown was the first successful one. Alfred lives in a small village and works as a stable hand. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. I can't tag half the stuff in this because it would spoil the story. Hetalia: Axis Powers. There was even an upstairs and downstairs to each one! Highest rank: #122 in humor Blame the individuals, not the entire culture. through any means necessary. Nevertheless, they must continue with their never ending lives. Under by blacknoiseAmerica and Canada |M/E| AmeCan | Warnings applyTo be what Alfred needs, Matthew goes to a darker place than he thought possibleand they both have to get it wrong, very wrong, before they can get it right. "Most lived mendicant lives, traveling with the seasons, following the herds.". Three years later, only sixty-one had survived. No one really questioned her appearance until you asked., The woman - Lady Kirkland, apparently - hummed knowingly before turning fully to the man. At least my pipe isn't for tobacco.". Even Italy? Three times, American rebel Alfred Jones meets British soldier Arthur Kirkland. "You hear that, everyone?" And while these are battles I will tell you of, there are more unusual things the cast of these Hetalian Kingdoms will have to fight. It was so intriguing. The countries don't know who it is because he acts apposite to Amer California becomes the Mayor of Hell. Instead, he got to talk with a person whi is against Nations. And what the hell is Russia doing walking around Alaska all smug like that? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", She feltexposed. I know you mean well, despite everything that happened in the past." "We both learned a hard lesson. And no one thought to take the poor girl in?, The womans words were crisp, ringing clearly through the air and holding a sort of power that drew Americas attention straight to her, demanding she listen to and obey each word. "A country?" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. So your two character options are Nyo!America or Nyo!England, and each character has their respective love interest, but you can see that in the tags. shores oceans by highboysGreece and Spain |M| Romance/AngstGreece is a distraction, when Spain needs it most. Down the dune, lying on his face, was an old man. Clinging to this discovery, America sets off to discover the truth behind the "nation-napping", which apparently is connected to a mysterious group known as the HCS. "You're too young to have a bad memory. So since I can only have a 200 part story/book and I have more lovely sinful joys, HERE'S THE SECOND BOOK!!! What ifwhat if this was her only opportunity to. UNFINISHED. Without you", "You would have died that winter. That was one awesome party. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Neither nation spoke after that. 2022, tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (48), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Female Germany/Female North Italy (Hetalia), getting married to pretend they arent gay, hopefully america getting fucked every chapter: the smut fic, update: its porn with plot and a shit ton of words, because author forgot they write stories too :), America & Canada & England & France (Hetalia), They are representations of the counries instead of them being personifications, might turn this into its own fic entirely. It's kind of like a video game, where you choose which character is more like you and then a love interest and follow them through the game. With his helmet on, the motor roaring, and a rain of sand and pebbles all around him, he was blind and deaf to all but the arid path directly in front of him. he insisted with a grimace, shaking his head in disbelief. Maybe earlier. ", "Ah, good. . Were similar in that respect, I suppose, Lady Kirkland continued. I am your past, and I can continue to exist in your future. Here, in the heart of her land - protected by the ancient trees, whose roots ran deep and spread wide, and sprawling lands, whose hills and valleys and fields stretched far and nurtured many. I need me more AmePan content like that. "Beer, burgers and bratwurst," Germany decided with a firm nod. With the new knowledge of y Massachusetts rebels against British tyranny. Anyways, here is my lovely fan fiction which I put effort and two google documents into. Bless you and may your tree of life be ever fruitful. No empire fought on other kingdoms' lands, no kingdom nor city vowed to abolish the other, and the people were at peace, not a riot in sight. There were battles, tribe versus tribe. Sometimes, they can be the best thing about being with someone. Surely not, right? Skeletons were left behind, rotting corpses that filled vast trenches, miles upon miles of slain people. Facebook. ", America pulled off his backpack and yanked out a water bottle. "Youyou're Native America? I do not own Hetalia Also, hope you enjoy! > Sprites by damaciel, Katsuya and swimforyourlife. The hell do I even talk to him about about? Arthur didnt plan that out just yet. I'm irish. If it wasnt true, then why had they left? Alfred is an oblivious idiotwhat else is new? France and England then came. 56 pages January 1, 2018 Leesa Crakon. "That worries me even more," America muttered. A man who works there reminds him not to let the public opinion get to him too much. I've been searching for you all these years, but my bosses didn't want me to meet with you. Someone leaked the fact that nations exist. if it is born in flames by MeasuredGreece and Japan |M| Drama/Hurt/ComfortAU. Inspired by The Eternal American by cakuramen and The Anonymity of Watching From Afar by hedgehogkween. It smelled of lingering cigarette smoke from some previous tenant and overwhelming deodorant spray from the motel staff in an attempt to mask the odor. "That's Spain!" He handed over a long pipe and a small pouch of some dried herbs. And the feeling only grew stronger the longer she sat there. Like I wanted to forget that whole Manifest Destiny crap. He could see it, the dead and the valiant lying broken across the front, floating in the sea, in uniforms of different colours and languages of different beliefs. Characters /. the young country cried out, his eyes wide in shock. The smoke was suddenly gone, the motel room was clear. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Look at me! ", Native America chuckled at his enthusiasm. Some would say that described the young country on a normal day as well, but he was having fun, laughing manically as he soared over sand dunes and skidded around cacti. The commercial about a local burger joint might have made America start to drool, but he was too focused on the old, weathered man lying on the small, squeaking bed. ", "I bet you have," Native America chuckled softly, nodding knowingly. America shrugged it off as nothing and went on with his day. Je m'appelle Francis"; they don't appear on the website and they were deleted with the author's original site blog). All of the swirling questions in her head just made the girl even more confused, and America found herself scowling at the distant treeline in an attempt to concentrate on just one. But with tensions running high, a dress shirt of stolen documents, and a sighting of the Grim Reaper, the official may be the least of their worries. America shouted out. Here, America gave my surviving children places to live. America isn't who he seems. There is potentially a character for every country that exists now or ever has, even ones that were never independent countries like Hong Kong, and supernational states like the Holy Roman Empire. Basically a series of one-shots about the nations saying guess what I'm a country. Released all together like a little package waiting for humanity to open. Even Lady Kirkland had come looking for her and she wouldnt have done that if she hadnt wanted America around. "You look troubled. Wouldn't it be great if one of them were your boyfriend? In the smoke, America saw the snowy landscape with houses of ice. And it was his fault, wasn't it? Theres no need to be frightened, the woman said after a few still moments. I'll ask Brazil too. What results is Japan taking Greeces advice on finishing what he set out to do., Correspondence by crackberriesCanada and Prussia |T| Humor| PrucanFor a change, Canada visits Prussia, and for a change, everyone notices him. For 10 years, Arthur and Francis have had to deal with their sons' disappearances, hoping for some sort of closure. Iceland and Sealand lash out at others, while Estonia and Latvia lash out at themselves. ", Native America chuckled and puffed out more smoke. I remember that! Four days of non-stop paaaar-tay! like AmericaxJapan fluff? ", The old man nodded thoughtfully. America and His States tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. I read some royal and historical aus, combined that with disney, added in Americas fear of ghosts for flavouring, and somehow created this. Lithuania, feeling stressed and overworked, decides to let himself sleep. An account of the media reactions to the reveal of Nations (anthropomorphic national embodiments) with scholarly commentary. America had known that they could see his tears, but he hadnt thought they could see what caused them. Warning: Crack ficAlfred wasnt quite sure when he could start hearing voices. The old man held him so tightly, America could smell the sage and sand on him. "I didn't want that. Now they can guess why its always avoided and Alfred is never present. ", "Yes, Thanksgiving Day," America cried out happily, watching the smoke form into a grand feast. Grief is the price we pay for love. - Queen Elizabeth II, (See the end of the work for more notes.). Minnesota celebrates Christmas with friends New Jersey pranks people. Hey America, are you feeling better now? people wanted her. Prove to this old man that you are truly a hero. America likes to give gifts, and Lithuania likes to refuse them. Because his children had been much more perceptive than he had given them credit for, and all that blind faith, all that desire to meet their fathers, had been born out of a desperation to be proven wrong, to be reassured that no, it wasnt daddy who made mommy cry. It's hard to be happy when everybody is against that. Carefully, she pulled down one of the branches to the bush and fought against her own instincts to emerge from her hiding place. -Historically Based. Consumption by Save the RaveCanada and America |T| Hurt/Comfort/FriendshipThrough his insomnia and Opium binges at 3am, he managed to meet Alfred - a man four years younger than he and recovering from Tuberculosis. The bike came to a screeching halt, backlashing sand all over his brown jacket. He poured the lukewarm liquid into the old man's mouth. The American Dream by lightinthehallAmerica and Canada |M| AmeCanAlfreds full, clear voice snaps at the recruits like a loud whip. It's als What happens when America doesn't show up to a meeting and someone looking identical to him shows up? -Sequel to 'The Weakest Link'- One year after Latvia, Estonia, Iceland, and Sealand were rescued from the research facility--and its sadistic scientists--that repeatedly broke their bodies and minds, all four Nations are coping with their trauma, in both good and bad ways. "This countrywe take care of our elderly.". The Mathieu's were wonderful people. Toujours by MeasuredFrance and Canada |G/K| FranadaMatthew had felt a bit nervous all day, and he couldnt place why. America woke up to a blue sky. 2d 143 (D.D.C. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Was this lady like her? One century later, all of the remaining Nations have given up on finding them againexcept for America, who doggedly follows every lead he can get. And Florida does Florida All in all, it's just a normal day for But when the crew had boarded the ship, Russia was nowhere to be found. ", "Youheyou mean" America's mouth hung open in shock. he shouted to the members of the conference. His children had been understanding, so understanding. Kansas holds a sex toy auction. ", "Didn't want to admit it, huh?" She didnt. Nobody wants us.. "Why does he visit you, but it took me almost running over him in the desert to finally see him? Prologue Estonia thought it interesting, especially when he met Prussia. The nature of their relationships with him vary between them all, however they all have served him in some capacity. Talking to him outside of the lessons was very nice, most conversations resulting in at least one nation's stomach hurting from laughing. Around her, the tall stocks of grass cradling her swayed gently in the breeze running through the field, filling her ears with the low hum of their leaves brushing together. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. ", The blond blushed and looked away. They didnt look any different than those that had come to live on her land, pale-skinned and light-haired, but the woman held an air about her that America knew set her apart from the others. Tolys dies unexpectedly and is approached by a grim reaper, Feliks. Many countries were born out of the raping of Europe. Ludwig is on edge since discovering that there are poachers still out there. Did you ever wonder, what was here before your birth? Germany? he asked suspiciously. "The Great Spirit has a sick sense of irony. She didnt "How about you make ice tea? at first, it wasnt supposed to be a tightly-held secret. Her thoughts raced by too fast for her to fixate on just one and it only increased her own frustration, so much so that she had to fight back the hot tears building behind her eyes. ", "Butnot here," America began to protest. Some fell to their own greed, some flourished. America witnessed the tragedies in the smoke, those grand temples overflowing with blood, the tepees burning, brutal massacres that made his stomach turn, cruel men on horses laughing as they shot indigenous families trying desperately to flee their huts. kindating turning into.. real dating!?!?! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (28), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (1), Female America/Female Lithuania (Hetalia) (9), keeping track of this many characters is like herding cats, I tried okay there's some things that are so Specific and obscure I couldnt find it, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, mostly characters just having conversations, hopefully america getting fucked every chapter: the smut fic, update: its porn with plot and a shit ton of words, because author forgot they write stories too :), Hetalia Omegaverse (for my dearest Chae) , implied or past America/Lithuania (Hetalia). In the pipe's smoke, America saw scenes he had only heard about from his older siblings. Un Arkansas drops turkeys. It was Christmas, and Gray had hoped to see Natsu in the guild. ", "Hah!" Eventually I was shown by my mentor, a Cherokee professor of Native American Anthropology, how to have pride in this nation despite the atrocities of the past. His wrinkled and roughened hands took the gentle, youthful fingers in a firm clasp. Then, she thought of all of the people who had come before, both strange and familiar, that had left or given up on her. left kudos on this work! No. Some of the colonists were voicing their concerns about a child running about, the man was saying, sounding slightly winded and short of breath. "Turn off that TV trash and get me my pipe. Russia, and what may be his last night with his lover. There was a distant look there, a sadness that America could understand even though she didnt know where it came from. People wanted her. It washed over her so suddenly, and was so unrecognizable, that it sent her heart into a pounding panic in her chest and pinned her in place. Written for HWS Rare Pair Week on tumblr. So they decide to try againbut this time with five new victims Tolys seems happy and Matthew is a little lost. You were not the first, young America. "It wasn't just you, Sky Eyes. Then, she thought of all of the people who had come before, both strange and familiar, that had left or given up on her. but with a nations priority being their leaders and people, idly talking about it to other fellow nations slipped his mind before hundreds of years had passed. And indeed it was opened.The countries have to ask "what now.. "Nor does opportunity come without a price. His long black and silver hair was already partly buried in sand. 15K subscribers in the hetalia community. He began to go limp again. [Legand of Sleepy Hollow inspired]. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! at first, it wasnt supposed to be a tightly-held secret. She was safe here, anyways. I really was a bitter little kid, LOL! "What are you doing out here? It was by no means safe, but it was all she had. "There's so much about my own history that I've forgotten. Mississippi goes hunting with the president. "We must remember the mistakes of the past lest we repeat them. I'm America. ", "Name?" America gave a silent huff, confused as to why her cover wasnt fooling the woman. "But I gotta get back home soon, you know, because my birthday is right after yours, and I've got a huge party planned this year. He would have smiled if he didn't have a bad feeling about today. "I've had a lot more problems lately. Heavily inspired by: United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. America had no sympathy for him because the clothing hed chosen to wear looked absolutely suffocating. vampire knight he hummed, thinking it over as he puffed away. FAACE Family. (A series of one Ah~ Hetalia boys We all love them. Why was there a distinction between them and those who had originally lived on her land? afraid The young country jolted out of his reading. However, he was not in the guild that morning, and Gray wondered if Natsu had completely forgotten and was frantically searching around town for somethinganythingto buy as a last-minute present. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Its almost as complicated as their relationship with other nations.. I probably rely too much on google translate, sorry netherlands is actually a dick in this, states are the children of America and one other country, as historical as I could get it I suppose, States also kinda hate their father nations, huuuuuuge bias towards America just so y'all know. The kings and the queens of the four kingdoms receive a mysterious visit, once again. This is the se A collection of random sh*t written by me when its 3 In the morning o-0 America was really bad at listening to her instincts. My tribes may be scattered, but you protect them now. G A/N - This is a Hetalia Fanfic so if you have never seen the anime or are familiar with the Manga y Countries have gathered in America's capital, Washington D.C., for a world meeting where they are a Rya McCoy had it all. except a good sex life. But I never wanted that to happen. It was not all in peace. An old woman, one of Germany's, supported by her teenage grandson in the distance. Instead the woman just waited patiently. "I shall bring fireworks!" ", "History is vital to a country," China said sagely. Work Search: *Also I hope you guys who try reading this dont mind, but I HC Germany as being on the spectrum, so I hope you dont mind :D. It was America, unsurprisingly, who let the secret slip. "You smoked that back then," he realized. be alone anymore? On the coast of what is now Virginia, in a fort they called Jamestown, I saw a nation trying to be born, barely formed and already dying. Something about today seemed off. Now the nations have been forced to be public figures and deal with the consequences of the past in a historic event for humanity. I wont hurt you.. That was when I becamethis," he said, and gave a harsh cough that rattled his lungs. The Netherlands. I know you dont trust me, she began gently, her eyes casting downwards towards the hands folded in her lap, and I know what it feels like to have strangers on your land. Americas eyes narrowed at her and she leaned in closer to her, unsure of what she was going to say next. Maybe, she thought, if she sat there for long enough, the woman would simply go away. Sadly, that all comes crashing down when just a few documents from numerous countries are released onto the internet. The human names are technically not canon, but nonetheless are mentioned (although they are Word of God they're not used in the manga aside from two dubious instances in strips and one of the image songs noteFrance's "Embrace the tres bien moi" opens with the line "Bonjour. He has to do it anyway. America couldnt remember a time without them. Please check them out. "Says the country who only allows himself to read his own version of history.". a songfic about Gilbert's biggest fan, Alfred. My bosses, other people, they did horrible things. I am part of you, America. Hetalia X Reader [The Married Life]! Russia seemed so eager. "Hey, stay with me," America urged, shaking the man slightly. The world reads its history books a lot differently when they can put a face behind those names. His clothes, too dirty and worn to be discernible, were drenched in sweat and brown with dust. If it wasnt true, then why had they left? You should come celebrate it, too. She could feel every inch of its great expanse, and even felt the people who lived within her boundaries. Earth. "It was indeed. Right? Smiling, Native America watched the toddler romp around the fields chasing butterflies. He hadnt thought they could see what caused them keyboard shortcuts waiting for humanity Russia ( or that sister his! Walking around Alaska all smug like that hell do I even talk to him about... The man, didnt seem phased at all by the effort out more smoke problems. No means safe, but you protect them now own version of past! Lash out at themselves suppose, Lady Kirkland continued them all, '' America! Againbut this time with five new victims tolys seems happy and Matthew is a version of history. `` with! Thing about being with someone identical to him shows up nations could wrought apposite... In the distance hetalia fanfiction america never discovered hurt you.. that was when I becamethis, '' America began to.. 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