We work on dating and relationship skills with Apollonia and her team. Must admit that you are really big expert in many situations. There is a girl working in a nearby restaurant who is from France. Another point, Shes unavailable or just not ready. After she wanted to go where her company sit she asked me if I would like to meet some day for a coffee exposing like a friends. Then she just stopped talking to me out of the blue. I know that things and situations are placed in front of me. This post reassured me I was making the right decision. 2) Take a look at the morning after. She proposed to meet more like friends to see how far we can come like that. After a while the womens friend become friendly to him. I think backing away may peak attraction but its important that you focus on reality and not the story. So I acted likegirl if you want me, youll need to do something actually I dont need you. Apollonia, Thank u soo much Apollonia. Why would you go out with a liar? March 01, 2023. Otherwise, you can block 'em. Next day she seem to be still friendly but not flirty anymore (obviously). Re: She Stopped Talking To Me After She Found Out That I Drive On Uber by marlow1962 ( m ): 10:04am On Jan 25. You can book a private coaching session here https://www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching/ Ive instinctively already knew most of what you said here, but ignored it n did the total opposite because it felt right. Doesnt mean you want to date the person. Or if you want when she comes in to your office you can play her game, throw it back at her. This podcast is here to help inspire you in your life and better understand your relationships so you can maximize the potential of your love life along with your personal life. He also added me on instagram and snap chat. Doesnt matter how successful I am at my beloved profession. Ive hurt other women feelings too. #3 She seeks you out. Then she said. 7. But I still have some concerns about the other 3 reasons that you explained, for instance a girl rejects a guy because he is too much into her than she is to him, this makes him less desirable. I continued to be nice to her and make her compliments and she started to tease me again but in a sexual manner this time. Women do this, we like feeling good and if theres a guy that can do that for us, we will try and keep him around. She's making "long" eye contact. We call such pointless conversation initiations breadcrumbs and their main purpose is to: alleviate guilt. Im not sure if you mean that you proposed to her marriage or you were just asking her out. But then she texts me morning to night all the time, asking things like what are you doing? Again with the hot and cold. "He said he liked me but stopped texting me all of a sudden. He doesnt have his own opinion, hes too nice, there is no challenge, and he is always doing everything the woman wants and not showing her that he is ok with her or ok without her. . This could be for numerous reasons. to "you post good videos of your cat" (also true). He wants to buy a stuff and have some questions about the soda, in the end with that he says. Whether they're looking to inspire pity, envy, or longing, seeing your ex . You are not having any depth in the conversations and you do not form any other connection. 7 Reasons Why! Reasons Why She Stopped Texting You Everyday. , Thanks Apollonia, this blog couldnt have come at a better time. So, if a girl has rejected a guy because of that reason, why is she still acting interested? This happens often when you put a woman on a pedestal and you look at her as the prize and forget youre a prize as well. I proposed a classmate and she rejected me but she always sticks to me and always say she wants me to be happy. Finally another co-worker stopped talking to me because she over heard me tell another colleague that she was a "big fan . Women want to be inspired by a man and true inspiration comes from motivation and positivity. You dont want to be looked at as a desperate man if she and the other guy dont work out. We talked different common things for 20 min. No, it was the same so the only thing is to move on and forget on her. Respect her decision and move on. I finally asked her what was up. Apollonia has partnered up with some of the top transformational coaches. This woman will now see that she also has to work for something. Hello, Whenever I called her she would pick up and most of the times when I asked to see her she didnt really give an excuse. If you do that, you'll kill her desire for you. I didnt tell her much about myself I tried to keep myself as a mystery to give a chance to her to discover. what do i do?? Holy cow, In fact, he might even have feelings for you that he just can't express. But , I will be honest and you may want to tell readers to be kind with this new power they will now wield. A woman who rejected you will likely avoid you to prevent awkwardness. (Anne punches him across the face with tears in her eyes, knocking his crown away. He wait until both can go separate ways. Eye have developed my mind, mentality and physical demeanor & social etiquette so much, and will continue to do that attracting women from all cultures is unconsciously effortless! | Terms of service |Policy|About|Contact Us. Thank you for reading my blog post She Rejected Me, but Still Acts Interested! I watched lot of your videos, some even several times that helped me a lot. This means the world to me and I hope you find what youre looking for in your journey. Once your friend is feeling better, they may eventually reconnect. Heartfelt Gratitude. talking about all kinds of things, and wants me to take her to lunch all the time. After that I wrote her a long letter I cant be with her like that. I have Ben reading your advice. 4. Im your dating, relationship, and life coach, and I know everything there is to know about what women want and expect from men. She did sting for me. We matched and started chatting, she thought Im a girl but I was honest that Im a man and stayed talking accepted to be friends. Love it, Hi David, Awesome! I told her that I do many things what plans I have for the summer. she said i give her time i asked and she was like 2/ 3 months but we communicate as we dating . Hi Steven, Read along and find out for yourself. I acted like I dont care for her but still being polite in conversation. Im glad you are here. Thank you for reading She Rejected Me But Still Acts Interested! Men will do the same thing with a woman that hes not interested in (similar to hooking up with someone you dont want to date.. its a quick fix). If I could make a donation I certainly would., Hey Carlo. I want to be 100% clear about something here. these are the common complaints I hear from men about women they stopped pursuing and got turned off by. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on She rejected me but still acts interested. I believe words are very powerful along with prayers. You were giving her attention and boosting her ego, of course, she wants that back. But I confessed all on the phone after she went back and she told me she likes me as a friend. One day she messaged me You really dont want to talk to me i replied we will talk after exams.. Let me focus my studies.. Then she said you really dont want to talk to me ! This way she replied i dont understand what she want she loves me or not i asked her that do you like me she still said i like you as a friend. That was the end of it. i think im in the same situation. (1) Im not really in a place to be dating relationships are complicated. He stopped talking to me but still follows me Why Does My Ex Still Follow Me? Part of re-attraction is understanding that you are not attached to an outcome and we are not obsessing over one desire. And then I told her that since she did not see it that way we could just keep it friendly. Nice to hear we have been able to help ,always here when you need us. You could not have said anything better. This means that you are trying to make the goal fast and you are frantically recovering, and trying to make up for everything and typically giving 100% of your attention that you lose yourself in the pursuit and this is what will kill attraction. on a normal day we can call and talk for abt 2 hrs non stop. Hi, Apollonia, Gods blessings are upon you! You can go on other dates and show her that its not all about her at the moment and if not, I want you to dedicate some time to yourself and get back your sense of self. The other guy I have crush on still talks to me whenever I see him.We just say hi and go on about our business.Like what I said I hardly see him around these days since he only works part time.No hard feelings between us . Best, She keeps texting me and videocalling while behaving like nothing happened and I just cant even ignore her because we literally live two houses away. Depending on how a breakup went down, exes unfollowing each other on social media is pretty standard. A young girl is around age 4-11, young woman age 15-20something. Apollonia and Team. I was so frustrated and I decided stop talking to her but with this information, I now know what to do and if any additional information is available you can share again. That is it: the women just dont like me as simple as that. You can improve your personality if it shows defects. All the time I was kind and caring towards her and she was liking that and she found me so nice, gentle and sweet. She effortlessly dodges them as she comes . Dumpees generally follow their ex to keep an eye on their ex . Tinotenda Samasuwo says: November 23, 2019 at 10:20 am. As i posted before on top. We hope to hear more feedback from you soon! Normally, when you are in the attraction stage of dating, you want to make sure that both of you have a mutual connection and are reciprocating and initiating at more or less the same level. Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can have long-term consequences for the victim. Dont give them any reason to do this. This is where you will learn everything about attraction and women. The four reasons are: The Five Stages of Grief. I will see her at work on Friday, and we are due to have some works drinks in a couple of weeks time. This sounds like she just wants your attention for the ego boosts. Thanks for your comment and for reading my blog about she rejected me. She didnt want me to know. 3. Why are you still spending time with a woman who rejected you? A TODAY Show guest, Whitney Cummings, has made NSFW comments during her live interview on the show. Apollonia, Hie apollonia! Best, She talked to you for a while when she found you interesting. Im not perfect, and have made plenty of mistakes in my dating life. I hope this blog helped and best of luck to you with everything! You have to pace yourself and not put a woman on a pedestal. If she does nothing - then that too must be a sign she does not like him or is not interested in his sort-of behavior. She might be looking to play the field and have fun with other men. I was already attracted towards her before we met. Also thanks for reading my blog about she rejected me. Then I said it was messed up because if a good friend just stops talking to me then they must hate me or is mad at me. We sometimes flirt but if I tell her again about how I feel, she always say she does not want to here that. Also, https://www.apolloniaponti.co/break-free-of-codepedency-sp would absolutely help you understand what you are going through and analyses your current situation. thank you for sharing these infos Apollonia, What did I do if I love a woman and knew it but still pretending and still tryin to take you out with her other men, What if I love a woman a she knew it but still pretend and calling me for dinner,,billiard game with other men. He put on my heart to paint Solomon for months. 4. Very educative, thank you. She Rejected Me But Still Acts Interested! Apollonia, well theres this girl that I really like but she is 5 years older than me She feels devastated, insulted, and ashamed. (he pointing I dont buy today I buy next time). I have a feeling you would really enjoy my products. I come back later and buy the soda, I have to go now. What is the point of acting interested on someone that pushed you away because he seemed too desperate to be with you?. Hi Henry, Theres some areas in my life I truly need to focus on to achieve my goals. However,she still sends me chats,pictures of herself,occasionally calls me and tells me about things she is doing. If someone compliments you, you like it, you want more of it. The moment was perfect for me to make the move and kiss her but again, i didnt. Yesterday i sent a voice note and asked her what she thinks or feels but she completely ignored my message.By the way on Sunday, i ignored her, this was before the voice note and later through a text i told her that it wasnt personal but i found out that she actually took it personal.. so what can i do or rather what is the problem? She deleted you because she liked you too much. Peace, Hi Gerald, So glad you found it helpful. I was ok. She asked me if im upset and of course i answered that im not. She said she just had to figure her life out. You were constantly trying to make her happy but forgot about yourself during this time. The latter begins low and gradually grows over time. Also, when people create distance, its natural to think about and want something that we do not have. Was so insightful and Im sending you blessings as well. She moved from her place to another. Both are acceptable answers but mean very different things in this context. 80% of my invitations were rejected. Heres what turns us off when, Read More Turn Offs For Women You Should Never IgnoreContinue, What does it mean to be gaslighted? As long as she's still alive, Virginia should eventually come back to try again. I said I dont even have your phone number anymore as I deleted it. Nonetheless, for me, the major reason for I being always been rejected by any kind of woman is that I am simply too much shy, too much physically unattractive and have a very unattractive way of being. Every once in a while I realize a friend, or someone I am on good terms with, unfollows me on Instagram. I miss her emotionally she was that person i needed. This typically happens because you like her (of course) but you also want to get a result right away, so you dont give her time and space, and this pushes her away. She told me that maybe i shouldnt waste my patience on her. Is She Playing Me? Its just impossible to happen so. She didn't delete you from social media because she was mad at you, because she hated you for what you did to her. Alrighty, bro. In this blog, I am going to give you some techniques but I will also give you some insight, as a woman, as to why this is happening. If they dont then you have a better opportunity because she saw your willingness to walk away and respect yourself. Things are different than they were 40 years ago and I cant figure women out, especially her. If any of these tips resonated with you, I encourage you to follow some of the tips that I have talked on how to move forward. For this reason, it will seem like he has something to tell you, but is holding it in. Listen, we arent meant to be everyones cup of tea and if we build expectations to be everyones ideal partner, then we start to take personal offense to every rejection. Like I said, it can be a nice bit of flattery if you view it that way. There are plenty of women out there who ARE available. you are very welcome!!! Lucky for you I have an escalation cheat sheet and a manual of 20 questions to ask women to get to know her true self. I asked this girl out really wanting to be her boyfriend and she gave me several reasons like But if that is the case. The right touches in the right places. Are they just all making fun of me? Our pal Jeffrey Marsh has taken some heat for telling their young followers to subscribe to their Patreon so they can have deep, private conversations without their parent's knowledge. Thank you for your comment on my blog about she rejected me but still acts interested as of right now youve put her on a pedestal and its important that you dont. In this situation right now and I must tell you its so annoying because shes intentionally playing hide and seek in the relationship based on her selfish gains and I believe she thought shes smart. Men can easily spot the signs of being a rebound. If she makes an effort - it must be a sign she likes him. Take it from me, though: write your message, then delete half of it, then wait a day, then show it to your most hard-nosed friend, then wait another day, and then if you still want to send it, go ahead. , has made NSFW comments during her live interview on the phone after she back! What is the point of acting interested to do something actually I dont even have feelings for you me to! Man and true inspiration comes from motivation and positivity 1 ) im not really a... I proposed a classmate and she gave me several reasons like but if that is it: the Stages! That way she also has to work for something number anymore as I deleted it her boyfriend she! Come like that alleviate guilt what plans I have for the summer weeks. You were constantly trying to make the move and kiss her but still Acts interested understanding that you on... That he says the world to me because she over heard me tell another colleague that she also has work. 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