I read that it too, helps break down fibrosis but no one talks about it. Here are some examples of research studies on serrapeptase for IPF: Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5634754/, Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29399340/, Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7382205/. Further studies are sorely needed. Positive thinking is everyones focus. I am desperate to help him in any way I can. I'm not too overly concerned about my future but I'll be damned if I don't give it a shot. Every 2 weeks I have an EPO shot for my anemia - my last check showed my level of hemoglobin up over 10, from 9.6,2 weeks earlier. He does it for a half hour. I know, I sound mental or at the very least OCD but I am trying my very best to do anything that could influence his health positively. But I don't know how to consume it.. What dose? page for more info https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/mycoplasma_fermentans.html. Hi everybody. Am an oral surgeon and suffering IPF since 1 yr. ON what inhaler are you?. VitD could serve as a prognosticator and potential therapeutic target in patients with IPF. What do you know about vilac plus and where can it be purchased. Imagine a cheap mineral solution that cures arthritis for a year or more after a single 90 minute exposure. Also, do you take nattokinase, another enzyme? I would like a follow up on the man named Dick, I live within 90 miles of him, and I have the same lung problem. This greatly helped family member also put eo's in vaporiser at night with water in closed room. Cathy Wong is a nutritionist and wellness expert. Try to find raw and unpastuerized. Like to know your status, Jimmy, hopefully you are still with us. You may need medicines, pulmonary rehabilitation, procedures, or other treatments to slow down lung damage and help improve your quality of life. He is still on the same natural medications as I mentioned before but I have also started him at the end of September 2015 on Cannabis Oil (which is illegal in SA) but since then his 22 breaths per night has come down to 16. Proper hydration can protect your body from the risk of developing various diseases. The Entyvio cleared up my colitis but caused not only this but extreme and severe arthritic pain. The plan is here on this link. ..for about 6 weeks then the congestion started returning and I felt none of the assorted drugs were truly doing any good by the way I felt so I decided it was time to go to plan B. Metformin drug is safe and is a widely used agent for non-insulin dependant diabetes. There also drug therapies, such as Chantix, and 12-step programs available to support smoking cessation. God Bless and good hunting Hi, my consultant gave me 10 months to live in 2015 and I am still working. Inhalable Treatment Enhances Regeneration in Lung Fibrosis Model CVRI Study Suggests New Therapeutic Approach to Fibrotic Lung Disease Idiopathic I am hoping someone else knows about dosing the Aloe, I don't have much experience with that. Pulmonary fibrosis can be identified with symptoms like breathlessness, shallow breaths, dry cough, fatigue, immediate weight loss and swelling in lower legs, Also read:Here's How Apples Help In Keeping Your Lungs Healthy. Just had another pulmonary function test and it had improved yet again! Spent 2.5 months in the hospital and another month in Rehab having to learn how to walk again. Reply to all but to those in S.A. in particular. 35% taken orally straight can cause a trip to the doctor, so don't do it. Keep fighting the good fight folks and "live". By the end of December, I was at 3.5 miles a day in walking forgot more often than not about the Nebulizer treatments. AND since purines aggravate pulmonary fibrosis, it becomes a snowball/avalanche, so they've found that using gout medications helps slow the avalanche of purines. Coincidentally I already have hydrogen peroxide 3% food grade, which I use for both cleaning fruit & veg, and as a mouthwash. Those who choose to go at a slower pace can expect to progress more slowly, but that certainly is an option. I am 72 and trying to last to see my 10 yr old start highschool. All of this was good but I wanted more. Since there is no exact medical cure for pulmonary fibrosis, it is important for us to turn towards natural treatment methods. It is important to stay hydrated. Now a new study conducted in mice by Monica Cassandras and colleagues at the UC San Francisco Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI), published Oct.12 in Nature Cell Biology, highlights the potential of a novel, inhalable regenerative therapy for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Content may not be reproduced in any form. However, it is important to note that hydrogen peroxide inhalation can be dangerous if not done correctly and should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional. It helps you feel less short of breath so you can stay active. This therapy involves inhaling a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is thought to help break down mucus and reduce inflammation in the lungs. Pulmonary fibrosis is caused by the gradual scarring and thickening of the tissue (interstitium) between the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. I had no side effects whatsoever. Therefore, you must include citrus fruits like oranges, grapes, lemons and berries in your diet. I got a couple of those pocket ultrasonic facial misters for 3%. However, it does appear to arrest the progression of the disease. This is Dr. McCullough's recipe as well, I believe. Janet. Scientist believe using metformin as a pathologic agent can help in the therapeutic treatment for lung fibrosis. Ma'am I read your experience and I would like to inform you that we have been to this situation now because my grandfather has same problem in lungs pnumonia and acute interstitial pneumonia so your experience will help us. I had a laundry list of medications including twice a day steroid inhalers, twice a day Nebulizer treatments, numerous meds and I don't remember any longer what else there was. It's also important to note that self-treating a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences. This had me concerned. If interested in the study go to ipflaserstudy.com and check it out. Met with the Dr.and he had a strange look upon his face. Day #/Number of Drops/ Times Per Day (Add drops to 4-8 ounces of water or juice), Maintenance Dosage my father has affected with ipf for 2 years more. Great news to share! A: Jan, To recover PF takes more than serrapeptase on its own. My husband is still working in the garden - very hard - putting in sprayers and sawing off tree limbs very high in the trees etc. Discover the truth about it so you know whether you should try it. Never giving up! So finding that lung issues can be fibers related to scaring, or not clearing out dead tissue or scaring from other causes (maybe asbestos or smoke) is a revelation to me. If that doesn't work out for you, you might be interested in the following for IPF/PF : https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/five-supplements-for-pulmonary-fibrosis.html. Apply front and back of the chest should feel warmth penetrating chest. Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months). Then on the far right at the top of the page click on Find a Medical Provider. Please post the contact for the Doctor who works with HP. Prayers can change destinies. If you would like to find a laser provider near you go to Klaserusa.com. I know this is working for me and I feel like I got my future back. Here are some natural remedies to help support the treatment. 3. Reducing smoking can majorly reduce the risk of developing pulmonary fibroids, Also read:Smoking During Pregnancy May Cause Hearing Loss In Baby: 6 Negative Effects Of Smoking During Pregnancy, Baking soda is an effective home remedy to relieve discomfort caused due to pulmonary fibrosis. We have used this for my asthmatic daughter with success. NAC can be taken in supplement form and is generally considered safe for most people. If left untreated you will eventually struggle just to try and breathe. Why don't we hear anyone else talking about this enzyme. Laser is famous for reducing pro-inflammatory Interleukins and the good news is that it reduces/eliminates Interleukin 11 as well. The researchers concluded that serrapeptase might have therapeutic potential for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. Felt great! Please consider this therapy if you suffer from IPF and let me know how you respond. I have made him nose spray and it seems to work a bit, but would like him to see this doctor. Learn how to spot endometriosis symptoms here. BTW, the pred cleared my arthritis up on the 2nd day! This is suggested for patients who have severe symptoms. She is excellent. Dr Hall, Thank you Dr. Hall how exciting. Pretty darned remarkable! Now I understand some connections with other issues. Here members can share stories, find important information and learn from Most causes of fatty The researchers suggested that papain may be a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. In the meantime, we have had a discussion where my husband chooses quality of life over quantity and instead of crying (although I am very stressed), we enjoy every day that we have. In another study published in the journal Biomedical Reports, researchers investigated the effects of serrapeptase on lung fibrosis in a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis. In a 2011 study, scientists discovered that in two different groups who took Cordyceps sinensis (a medicinal mushroom)one took the mushrooms alone, and the other took the mushrooms with induced pluripotent stemcellsboth experienced higher immunomodulatory gene expression as compared to a control group.. What should I do to get rid this calcification? My dad suffers from pulmonary fibrosis since 2010, it seems like every time situations gets worse, he gets tired easily, and constantly has to be on artificial oxygen. So when gout sufferers alkalize their body, their blood can hold more uric acid in the blood (as a liquid), so the uric acid crystals in their joints and organs (lungs in Daddy's case) disolve into their blood better. When pulmonary fibrosis is caused without any reason, it is referred to as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. I am happy to learn from this forum that there exists also natural remedies:enzymes, H2O2, oil pulling etc. Combined with your NAC working on the biofilm and mucous (hiding place) I would expect even better results. Last November after seeing an M.D., they told him he had Pneumonia (which now the pulmonary doctors say he "never had", but has IPF.. And this November will be a year. This condition started many years ago in California during a earthquake. WebPeople with pulmonary fibrosis sometimes limit their physical activities in an attempt to avoid breathlessness. If it continues to be problematic he would increase the dosage. I highly recommend either a Summus laser or K-laser for treatment. I still do a couple inhales every once in a while just because I smoke. I was pumped full of steroids and sent on my way. His weight should probably not be an issue but it is to me because I can only measure his "health" through his weight and lying some nights with a stop watch counting his breaths per minute while he is sleeping deeply. Read our, Sanja Jelic, MD is board-certified in pulmonary disease, sleep medicine, critical care medicine, and internal medicine. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide. Other treatments that will help are uvbi, whole body blood ozonation, blood electrification or simply buy a hbot chamber. Would you be able to share the number? Robert- thanks for sharing your amazing history with hydrogen peroxide. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. Go to PulmonaryFibrosisNews.com It is a forum with caring, loving and supportive people and can be very helpful to you. He attributes an important role to lifestyle. Blood ozonation kills the mycoplasma that drives the disease. In a study published in the journal Inflammopharmacology, researchers found that bromelain treatment reduced lung fibrosis and inflammation in a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis. 25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks, 25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks. Continue reading below forfeedback on supplementsEarth Clinic readers have tried,such as NAC and Serrapeptase, for IPF. Her work is regularly featured in media such as First For Women, Woman's World, and Natural Health. While some patients develop severe symptoms and rapidly progressing illness, others may have milder symptoms which worsen progressively over the years. and have the beginning of fibrosis in the lungs. Seems to help with the cough and very safe. I would also suggest to IPF patients to join the forum for IPF patients. It contains Vitamin D and alleviates the inflammation of lungs. In many cases, doctors are unable to determine the cause of pulmonary fibrosis. In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows: (add drops to 4-8 ounces of water or juice). (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202. ) Since when the lungs start feeling odd, I nebulize with colloidal silver and also Bill Munro's HP Therapy. Since pulmonary fibrosis may lead to serious and even life-threatening complications, such as low blood-oxygen levels, pulmonary hypertension, and respiratory failure, it's crucial to consult your physician if you experience symptoms of the disease and throughout your treatment. Dosage:- One to two capsules twice daily with water after meals. That is a typical response to get nowhere from conventional doctors. :). I will be happy to help you find a doctor with an appropriate laser. You could do a local search by going to either Litecure's website or Klaser's. I highly recommend it, though a diffuser is not cheap. go to health food store or online for food grade product. Lucky for you came to the right place. Google serrapeptase /pulmonary fibrosis or serrapeptase copd they are very similar. 1.5 - 3 % seems very high. So thanks again, going to give this some more research, just had to pop in here and let you know! It will whiten the skin and cause sharp nerve pain, which can be lessened by running under cold water. My goal is 20 more years. It helps get oxygen to the lungs and helps with healing. By continuing the program, toxins will clear the body sooner and this healing crisis will pass rather quickly. I was recently diagnosed with Pulmonary TB through lung x-ray but I have faith it will clear. The laser reduces inflammation with a photochemical process. Pulmonary fibrosis can considerably hinder the quality of life, making it challenging to go about routine activities. WebDrugs may treat your IPF scarring or symptoms, but you can do other things to breathe better and get more energy. I have found doctors for a lot of IPF patients. With a number of cases of Pulmonary Fibrosis is the presence of mycoplasma infection, which has been my nemesis for many yrs. At the top of the page click on Medical Patient. His breathing is fast 22 breaths per minute (I timed him with a stopwatch during the night while he was sleeping a couple of times). I myself have a problem with my chest feeling very tight at times and the 3% spray really really helps. If this info got out they would go broke. WebVitamin D prevents experimental lung fibrosis and predicts survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis VitD could serve as a prognosticator and potential therapeutic target in patients with IPF. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: My husband was on Esbriet and had horrible side effects. Audrey. The condition typically affects men over the age of 50 more than women, and other factors include: Pulmonary fibrosis symptoms tend to develop over time and progressively worsen. I first posted on this site about laser therapy for IPF on 8/10/16. I think my liver, kidney and adrenal are all maxed out. Turned his skin reddish purple with horrible itching. The researchers concluded that serrapeptase might be a safe and effective treatment for IPF. In 2009 I had a baby. I've also started with rx digestive enzymes which also may be contributing to the perceived benefits. Also NAC (N-A CETYL-CYSTEINE) 600 MG. one in morn. Tiara, try the h202 inhalation method first. 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